
Showing posts from May, 2020

MATHS DAY 5 ( 22.05.2020)

LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   22 .05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 50\   write the greatest and smallest nubers up to 50   put the sign <, >  and = Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                                                      4 tens = 40                                                      5 tens = 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE From the Seasons booklet at the back complete pg no 33.

ENG DAY 5 ( 22.05.2020)

                                      VOWELS AND CONSONANTS                                   (Use of  'a ' and ' an ' )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      22.05.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME-        The learner will be able to- identify the vowel and the consonants. write ' a ' or 'an' correctly before a noun or naming word.       RECAPITULATION:  The five vowels are -  a , e , i , o , u        The remaining consonants are - b, c , d , f , g ,h , j , k ,l , m , n , p , q , r , s , t, v, w , x , y , z  We write ' a ' before  a consonant and 'an ' before a vowel.         Click on this link and open the video on 'a ' and 'an '          INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your En

EVS DAY 5 ( 22.05.2020)

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  22. 05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.  spot the 12 body parts hidden in the word grid.    Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.  Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video.   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Evs assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Evs booklet (back side of the book) pg no 49   Complete the word grid on page 49. Colour the clouds with sense organs in blue.(pg n

ZERO PERIOD DAY -5 (22-05-2020)

ZERO PERIOD DAY 5                                                                                         22. 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                       Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link below

ENG DAY 4 (21.05.2020)

  LESSON -3   MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL                                  21.05.2020               LEARNING OUTCOME           The learner will be able to:  read the lesson with the help of sight words. build words relating to school. say who said these words and  to whom     Dear Children       Hope you have understood the lesson ' Meena goes to school  '  and read the full lesson. INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE For the  Eng assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take four lined Eng notebook and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write who said these words and to whom.( see the image )

ZERO PERIOD DAY 4 - 21.05.2020

ZERO PERIOD DAY 4                                                                                         21 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                         Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link below

EVS DAY 4 ( 21.05.2020 )

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  21.05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.  think and answer the different parts of the body they use to enjoy different things.    Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.  Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video.   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Evs assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Evs book   Complete the HOTS  question on pg 159. See the image.

MATHS DAY 4 ( 21.05.2020)

LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   21 .05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 50\   tell the value of tens and ones in a given number upto 50.   put the sign <, >  and = Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                                                        4 tens = 40                                                        5 tens = 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your maths book and use a well sharpened pencil. Complete pg 92 Comparison of numbers upto 50 Put the sign <, > and = Think and write the answer for the HOTS question From the Seasons booklet at the back comp

ENG DAY 3 ( 20.05.2020)

  LESSON -3   MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL                                  20.05.2020               LEARNING OUTCOME           The learner will be able to:  read the lesson with the help of sight words. build words relating to school. match the words relating to school and home. write the name of the meals     Dear Children       Hope you have understood the lesson ' Meena goes to school  '  and read the full lesson. INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your Seasons Book, pg no 25 and 26  Use a well sharpened pencil. Lets build words (Q 1, 2 and 3 ) After completing show it to your parents.

MATHS DAY 3 (20.05.2020)

LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   20.05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 50\   write numbers that comes before, after and in between. Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                                                          4 tens = 40                                                          5 tens = 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your maths book and use a well sharpened pencil. Complete pgs 91 and 92 in the book

CATECHISM WEEK 7 DAY 3 (20 .05.2020)

    ADAM AND EVE DISOBEY GOD                                     20.05.2020         LEARNING OUTCOME     say the story of Adam and Eve sing the song I 've got that joy ,joy down in my heart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Good morning boys!  Welcome to my class! Hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.           STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY   Lets learn a new song today .Open the link and watch the video.     The topic for today's lesson is   ADAM AND EVE DISOBEY GOD. Children hope you liked and understood the story of Adam and Eve.Watch the story again on the video . https://youtu

EVS DAY 3 (20.05.2020)

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  20.05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.  write the question/answers in the notebook.    Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.  Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video.   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Evs assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Evs note book  Write the heading Our Body  (see the image) Write the question/answers in the notebook.Change the date to 20.05 2020

ZERO PEROD DAY 3 (20.05.2020)

ZERO PERIOD DAY 2                                                                                         20 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                           Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link bel

READING DAY 2 ( 19.05.2020)

      READING     MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL                              19.05.2020       LEARNING OUTCOME    to read the lesson with the help of the  sight words and the audio sent.    Dear students          Please read the  lesson MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL.          Put your pointer finger on the words and read .          Refer to the audio .

ENG DAY 2 ( 19.05.2020)

  LESSON -3   MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL                                  19.05.2020               LEARNING OUTCOME           The learner will be able to:  read the lesson with the help of sight words. choose the correct answer.  tick the correct sentences and cross the wrong ones.     Dear Children       Hope you have understood the lesson ' Meena goes to school  '  and read the full lesson. INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your Seasons Book, pg no 24  Use a well sharpened pencil. Complete Q1 - Choose the correct answer. Complete Q 2- Tick the correct sentences and cross the wrong ones.

EVS DAY 2 ( 19.05.2020 )

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  19.05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.     Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.  Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video.   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Evs assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Evs  book ( pg no158 and 159) Complete Q 1  Tick the correct sentences and cross the wrong ones.

MATHS DAY 2 ( 19.05.2020 )

 LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   19.05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 30\   tell the value of tens and ones in a given number upto 30.   write the expanded form  till 30 Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                                                            4 tens = 40                                                            5 tens = 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your maths book and use a well sharpened pencil. Complete  Numbers 41to 50 Expanded Form in the book. (see the  image below ) Start your cw. Complete the work in the maths book. Complete pg no 31 in the

ZERO PERIOD DAY 2 ( 19.05.2020)

ZERO PERIOD DAY 2                                                                                         19. 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                             Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link

WRITING DAY 1 (18.05.20 )

                                          WRITING                                        18.05.2020       In the writing period you will write the question /answers of the lesson MEENA GOES TO                  SCHOOL '              Take four lined Eng notebook and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading on the first four line . See the image below and do it accordingly.

CATECHISM WEEK 7 DAY 1 (18.05.2020)

    ADAM AND EVE DISOBEY GOD                                     18.05.2020         LEARNING OUTCOME     say the story of Adam and Eve sing the song I 've got that joy ,joy down in my heart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Good morning boys!  Welcome to my class! Hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.           STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY   Lets learn a new song today .Open the link and watch the video.     The topic for today's lesson is  ADAM AND EVE DISOBEY GOD.       Lets answer some questions.  RECAPITULATION  Q1 . What was the name of the garden that God created ? An

EVS DAY 1 ( 18.05.2020)

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  18.05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.     Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.    Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video. FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT PARTS OF OUR BODY Each part of our body is useful.We do many things with our body.For example: We write and hold things with our hands We walk, run, and stand with our legs. BRAINSTORMING QUESTIONS:(ANSWER ORALLY IN A FULL SENTENCE) 1. Which part of the body is used for listening? Ans

ZERO PERIOD DAY 1 (18.05.2020)

ZERO PERIOD DAY 1                                                                                         18 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                               Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link

ENG DAY 1 (18.05.2020)

  LESSON -3   MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL                                  18.05.2020               LEARNING OUTCOME           The learner will be able to:  read the lesson with the help of sight words. say and spell the new words.      Dear Children       Hope you have understood the lesson ' Meena goes to school  ' and read the first two pages.      RECAPITULATION   1.  Meena is happy to go to school as it is her first day at school. 2.  Tabby is her pet cat. 3   Meena wants to take Tabby to school. 4.   Meena's mother wakes up Meena and tells her to get ready for school 5.  Meena brushes her teeth,has a bath ,puts on her new school uniform, combs her hair and puts on         her socks and shoes. 6.  Tabby follows her. 7.   Meena has her breakfast. She tells Tabby that cats are not allowed to school.  Lets read aloud the lesson. We continue with the next page.  

MATHS DAY 1 ( 18.05.2020)

 LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   18.05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 30\   tell the value of tens and ones in a given number upto 30.   write the expanded form  till 30 Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                                                              4 tens = 40                                                              5 tens = 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your maths book and use a well sharpened pencil. Complete  Numbers 31 to 40 Expanded Form in the book. (see the  image below ) Start your cw. Complete the work in the maths book. Show it to your par

EVS DAY 5 (15.05.2020)

EVS  - ASSESSMENT                                                                                        15.05.2020 Today, I am going to conduct the  EVS ASSESSMENT .Go through the google form,read it and fill the answers.Answer all the questions . Let the child give the answer. Do not leave any question unanswered.After completing kindly submit. The link of the assessment form will be active only for 24 hours . Note - 1.It is one time submission of the form.            2. After attempting 7th question click on "next" to answer further questions.        

ZERO PERIOD DAY 5 (15.O5 2020)

ZERO PERIOD DAY 5                                                                                         15. 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                 Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the l

MATHS DAY 5 ( 15.05.2020)

 LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   14.05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 30\   tell the value of tens and ones in a given number upto 30.   write the expanded form  till 30 Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                             INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your maths notebook(small square) and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading  Numbers 21 - 30 Expanded Form (see the  image below ) Start your cw. Complete the work in the maths note book. Show it to your parents after completing the work.

ENG DAY 5 (15.05.2020)

                                                LONG VOWEL SOUNDS   (Long i )                    15.05.2020               LEARNING OUTCOME           The learner will be able to: identify the sound of long 'i' say and write  these  words. read few words with 'ie '  ' y ' ,  'igh' which have the sound og long 'i'             Dear Children,        Today we will read the   long ' i ' words.These words have different endings but their sound remains the same.      Rule 1 :  The long vowel sound  is made of two vowels  'ie' which is combined.      Rule 2 :  Letter ' y '  sometimes    has a  sound of long  'i '.For example- my , by , try.      Rule 3 :  Letter ' igh ' also sometimes has the long 'i ' sound. For example -high, night , flight.       click on this link and watch the video   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE. For the  Eng assignment

ZERO PERIOD DAY 4 (14.05.2020)

 ZERO PERIOD DAY 4                                                                                         14 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                   Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the