
Showing posts from April, 2020

EVS DAY 3 (30.04.2020)

  OUR HOME                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       30. 04.2020           LEARNING OUTCOME             to read the lesson with the help of the sight words.             to choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.             to tick the correct answer.             to answer brainstorming questions orally                         BRAINSTORMING QUESTIONS                 Q1. In which room do you sleep ?                 Ans .I sleep in the bedroom.                Q2.  Name the room where we sit and talk with friends and family.                Ans.  The living room or the drawing room.               Q3. Which room is used for cooking?               Ans. Kitchen is the room used for cooking food.              Q 4. Where do we take bath?    

MATHS DAY 3 (30.04.2020)

                    LESSON 3     NUMBERS FROM 11 - 20                                         30.04.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME write the number names write the place value of the numbers 10 to 20 write the expanded form.             INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your maths notebook(small square) and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading Numbers from 11 to 20. (see  image 1) Start your cw. Complete the work in the maths note book. Show it to your parents after completing the work.

ENG DAY 3 (30.04.2020)

                                      RHYMING WORDS                                                                                                                                   30.04.2020                                                                                                           LEARNING OUTCOME:                                                                                                  tell what are rhyming words identify the rhyming words read and write the rhyming words.  Dear Boys,  Today I am going to do the rhyming words.  open the link and watch the video. RHYMING WORDS   )(RULE 1 ) Rhyming word is the repetition of same or similar ending sound.For example: cat ,bat,  fat bin, pin,  tin cot, hot, pot RULE -2 Rhyming words may or may not have the same spellings but have the same ending sound. For example: note- boat          INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Eng assig

ZERO PERIOD DAY 3 (30.04.2020)

 ZERO PERIOD DAY 3                                                                                         30.04.2020   Good morning boys!! Hope you are fine and keeping good health.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                                       Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   ' PRAISE HIM '(refer to the                                                     link)                Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                          Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                             breathing exercise and your body.Click the link bel

ZERO PERIOD DAY 2 (29.04.2020)

 ZERO PERIOD DAY 2                                                                                         29.04.2020   Good morning boys!! Hope you are fine and keeping good health.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                                         Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   ' PRAISE HIM '(refer to the                                                     link)                Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                          Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                             breathing exercise and your body.Click the link b

ENG DAY 2 (29.04.2020)

                                           NAMING WORDS OR NOUNS                                   29.04.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME:  to define what are nouns tell the names of person,place ,animal or thing. write the names of the members of the family. write the names of things. RECAP Dear children ,lets quickly revise the definition of nouns. A noun is a name of a person, place, animal or thing.        open the link and watch the video   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE. Take out your Seasons book pg no.17,18 and 19  Write the members of Gita's family on pg 17(see  image 1) Look at the pictures and write their names from the box given below on  pg 18(see image 2) Write the members of your family on page 19.(see image 3 )                                                                   (  image 1  )                                                                    ( image 2 )          

READING DAY 2 (29.04.2020)

                                                          OUR HOME   READING                                                                                                                                                                                                            29. 04.2020           LEARNING OUTCOME    to read the lesson with the help of the sight words and the audio sent.    Dear students          Please read the lesson OUR HOME .          Put your pointer finger on the words and read .          Refer to the audio sent.

EVS DAY 2 (29.04.2020)

                                                               OUR HOME                                                                                                                                                                                                              29. 04.2020           LEARNING OUTCOME             to read the lesson with the help of the sight words.             to write the answers.             thank God for their beautiful home             to answer brainstorming questions orally      BRAINSTORMING QUESTIONS               Dear children, I hope you heard the audio and read along with me.Now answer the questions                orally. (Parents pl ask and let them answer in a sentence.)                   Q1. In which room do you sleep            Ans .I sleep in the bedroom.            Q2.  Name the room where we sit and talk with friends and family.           Ans.  The living room or the drawing room.            Q3. Which room is

MATHS DAY 2 (29.04.2020)

 LESSON -3   (NUMBERS FROM 11-20 )                                                   29.04.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME define the    place value of a number write the place value of the numbers 10 to 20. tell what is a digit .   Dear children Now lets understand what is a digit.    A digit is a part of a number.It can be any number from 0 to 9 and is a single digit number.For example 4 is a single digit number. The digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 are used to form different numbers. Number 12 consists of two digits :1 and 2 Number 18  also consists of two digits :1 and 8    Now quickly tell me how many digits are there in number 14? Absolutely Correct !! It has 2 digits (1 and 4 ) What is a place value? The place value of a digit is the value of the digit because of its position or place in a number,whether it is in ones or tens place. When a number is a single digit number, the number is in the ones place Look at the digits 1 and 4.When we use 1 and 4 to write t


                                                                 CURRENT EVENTS LEARNING OUTCOME to read and write some important events.       Boys, since you are at home due to Covid 19 pandemic, lets stay SAFE  AND HEALTHY   and                contribute our bit during this crisis.     PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION  OR SELF AWARENESS DURING PANDEMIC CRISIS       1 . Stay home and healthy.Utilize your time in reading .      2.Wear masks if going out.Wash your hands thoroughly and use sanitizers.      3.Keep away from other people.     4.Cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing.      5.Follow good hygiene.      6. Donate towards the needy      7.Thank the corona warriors like doctors and nurses.   I NSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out  the last page of EVS notebook. Write today's date on the left hand side. Write the heading 'Current Events'    Now, lets read and write some important current events.       1.  Covid 19 starte

ZERO PERIOD DAY I (28.04.2020

        ZERO PERIOD DAY 1                                                                                         28.04.2020   Good morning boys!! Hope you are fine and keeping good health.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                                           Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   ' PRAISE HIM '(refer to the                                                     link)                Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.             Now lets do some meditation.                          Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                             breathing exercise and your body.Click th

EVS DAY 1 (28.04.2020)

                                                              OUR HOME                                                                                                                                                                                                                     28.04.2020           LEARNING OUTCOME             to read the lesson with the help of the sight words.             to say and write new words.             thank God for their beautiful home             to answer questions about their home.     BRAINSTORMING QUESTIONS               Dear children, I hope you heard the audio and read along with me.Now answer the questions                orally. (Parents pl ask and let them answer in a sentence.)                    1.Why do we need a house?                We need a house to protect us from the sun, rain and cold.                2. How many rooms are there in your house?                 There are ______________ rooms in my house.

WRITING DAY 1 (28.04.2020)

   See the image and write in the English notebook with beautiful cursive writing.

MATHS DAY 1 (28.04.2020)

                                                      MENTAL MATHS                                                        28.04.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME.   to read and write the answers. INSTRUCTIONS  TO WRITE Take out your maths notebook(small square) and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading Mental Maths.(see the  image ) Show it to your parents after completing the work.

ENG DAY 1 (28.04.2020)

                        NAMING WORDS OR NOUNS                                                28.04.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME:  to define what are nouns tell the names of person,place ,animal or thing. underline the nouns on page 6 in the Seasons booklet. RECAP Dear children ,lets quickly revise the definition of nouns. A noun is a name of a person, place, animal or thing.        open the link and watch the video   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE. Take out your Seasons booklet on pg 6 Underline the nouns in the sentences.(see  image 1) Read about the naming words on pg 16 and 17 from the Seasons book.(see image 2 and 3)                                                               ( image 1) READ                                                                            ( image 2 ) READ                                                                         contd.from image 2

ENG DAY 5 (27.04.2020)

                                                NAMING WORDS OR NOUNS                                        27.04.2020   LEARNING OUTCOME:  to define what are nouns tell the names of person,place ,animal or thing. Methodology:         Dear boys look around in your room and tell names of five people or things .         People can be your father, mother and things can be fan, table etc.       Every person,place,animal ,birds,things has a name.For example: If you ask your mother to give you something to eat, then you have to name that thing.              Mummy please give me an apple or bread . In the same way,  the people around you are called by some name.For example :           Ajay, grandmother, teacher etc.  When you go out ,you tell the name of the place.For eg.I am going to the  park      Animals and birds also have their names.For eg- cat ,dog,lion                 DEFINITION:         A noun is a name of a person, place, animal or thing.

EVS DAY 5 (27.04.2020)

                                                            OUR        HOME                      LEARNING OUTCOME             to read the lesson with the help of the sight words.             to say and write new words.             thank God for their beautiful home             to answer questions about their home.       Let us begin the lesson by asking you few questions.Answer the questions in a full sentence.                     a.Where do you live?                     b.Are there other houses near your home?           c.Say in one sentence why you like your home.                     Watch this video and understand about the difference between a home and a house.                                   So a house is where people live.It has roof,walls,doors and windows.Everyone needs a                 house to live in. But a house becomes a home when people belonging to a family live with              it  together.

MATHS DAY 5 (27.04.2020)

 LESSON -3   (NUMBERS FROM 11-20 )                                                   27.04.2020 GROUPING IN TENS  LEARNING OUTCOME read,write and count numbers upto 20. tell the value of tens and ones in a given number upto 20. draw various things and group them in tens.       METHODOLOGY       The teacher will encourage the students to do the grouping activity in the zero period followed by       using various things in his house like pencils,icecream sticks, bindis etc.Make bundles of tens by         using rubberband. INSTRUCTIONS Take out your maths notebook(small square) and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading Grouping in Tens (see the  image ) Draw various things and group them in tens as shown below. Start your cw. Complete the work in the maths note book.Draw both the pictures in the notebook in two separate pages.Use colour pencils. Show it to your parents aft

ZERO PERIOD DAY 5 (27.04.2020)

ZERO PERIOD (DAY  5    )                                                                          27.04.2020                Good morning boys!! Hope you are fine and keeping good health.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                                           Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   ' PRAISE HIM '(refer to the                                                     link)                Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets get ready for some activity.             ACTIVITY           Material required : A bowl full of rajma seeds                      Boys you have learnt about tens and ones.Now make 5 groups of rajma se

ZERO PERIOD DAY 4 (24.04.2020)

ZERO PERIOD (DAY -4)                                                                               24.04.2020                Good morning boys!! Hope you are fine and keeping good health.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                                                             Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   ' PRAISE HIM '(refer to the                                                     link)                Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.             Now lets read these words and learn the spellings.                       

ENG DAY 4 (24.04.2020)

 LESSON 2- MEENA'S FAMILY GOES SHOPPING.                             24.04.2020         LEARNING OUTCOME       read the lesson with the help of the sight words.       read and spell new words       say and write the answer.                 Boys, I hope you have read  the lesson Meena's Family Goes Shopping.Since you have                        understood the lesson , let us continue with the  question/answers based on the lesson.                          For the  Eng assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Eng notebook and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading  Meena's Family Goes Shopping on  the first four line (see the image) Write  the question/answers in the note book.Write neatly and beautifully. Read and  learn the answers. After completing the question/ answers, do page 5 of the Seasons booklet.(see image 1) check the an

MATHS DAY 4 (24.04.2020)

 LESSON -3   (NUMBERS FROM 11-20 )                                                   24.04.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME read,write and count numbers upto 20. tell the value of tens and ones in a given number upto 20. Now lets understand the concept of tens and ones with the help of grape symbols. Take out your maths notebook(small square) and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write the heading Ones and Tens (see the  image ) Start your cw. Complete the work in the maths note book.Draw both the pictures in the notebook in two separate pages.Use colour pencils. Show it to your parents after completing the work.

EVS DAY 4 (24.04.2020)

                                                                         OUR HOME                                                                                                                                                                                                                     24.04.2020           LEARNING OUTCOME             to read the lesson with the help of the sight words.             to say and write new words.             thank God for their beautiful home             to answer questions about their home.             Let us begin the lesson by asking you few questions.Answer the questions in  full sentence.                     a.Where do you live?                     b.Are there other houses near your home?           c.Say in one sentence why you like your home.                     Watch this video and understand about the difference between a home and a house.                                  So a ho