
MATHS DAY 5 ( 22.05.2020)

LESSON -4  (NUMBERS FROM  21-50 )                                                   22 .05.2020                  LEARNING OUTCOME         The learner will be able to -   read,write and count numbers upto 50\   write the greatest and smallest nubers up to 50   put the sign <, >  and = Dear children,               I hope you have understood the concept of ones and tens.Lets revise today with the help of                  grape symbols from 20 to 30.                You know 1 ten = 10                                 2 tens = 20                                3 tens=30                                                      4 tens = 40                                                      5 tens = 50 INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE From the Seasons booklet at the back complete pg no 33.

ENG DAY 5 ( 22.05.2020)

                                      VOWELS AND CONSONANTS                                   (Use of  'a ' and ' an ' )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      22.05.2020 LEARNING OUTCOME-        The learner will be able to- identify the vowel and the consonants. write ' a ' or 'an' correctly before a noun or naming word.       RECAPITULATION:  The five vowels are -  a , e , i , o , u        The remaining consonants are - b, c , d , f , g ,h , j , k ,l , m , n , p , q , r , s , t, v, w , x , y , z  We write ' a ' before  a consonant and 'an ' before a vowel.         Click on this link and open the video on 'a ' and 'an '          INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE Take out your En

EVS DAY 5 ( 22.05.2020)

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  22. 05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.  spot the 12 body parts hidden in the word grid.    Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.  Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video.   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Evs assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Evs booklet (back side of the book) pg no 49   Complete the word grid on page 49. Colour the clouds with sense organs in blue.(pg n

ZERO PERIOD DAY -5 (22-05-2020)

ZERO PERIOD DAY 5                                                                                         22. 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                       Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link below

ENG DAY 4 (21.05.2020)

  LESSON -3   MEENA GOES TO SCHOOL                                  21.05.2020               LEARNING OUTCOME           The learner will be able to:  read the lesson with the help of sight words. build words relating to school. say who said these words and  to whom     Dear Children       Hope you have understood the lesson ' Meena goes to school  '  and read the full lesson. INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE For the  Eng assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take four lined Eng notebook and use a well sharpened pencil. Write the date in the left hand corner and cw on the right hand corner. Write who said these words and to whom.( see the image )

ZERO PERIOD DAY 4 - 21.05.2020

ZERO PERIOD DAY 4                                                                                         21 05.2020              Good morning boys!! I hope you are keeping fine and taking care of yourself.                  STAY SAFE AND STAY HEALTHY                                                                                         Lets  Thank  and  Praise  God for the beautiful things he has given us.               Let us join our hands, close our eyes and say                the LORD'S PRAYER.              Our father in heaven and sing the song   '  ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL '                         (refer to the  link. )                         Now give a nice big smile to your mom and dad.              Now lets do some meditation.                Sit comfortably on the chair or on the floor.Close your eyes and concentrate on the                               breathing exercise and your body.Click the link below

EVS DAY 4 ( 21.05.2020 )

LESSON-3                         OUR BODY                                                  21.05.2020            LEARNING OUTCOME:      The learner will be able to- read the lesson with the help of sight words. tell the names of different parts of the body state the functions of different parts of the body.  think and answer the different parts of the body they use to enjoy different things.    Our body is very special. Each one of us  look different  but the parts of the body are the same.  Now lets watch this video and see the different parts of our body.  Lets read the lesson OUR BODY. Open the link and watch my video.   INSTRUCTIONS TO WRITE           For the  Evs assignment I am giving  the instructions and follow it accordingly. Take out your Evs book   Complete the HOTS  question on pg 159. See the image.